Every Saturday from 11am – 1 pm
Misconceptions About Manifesting
The new age circles are rife with manifestation principles. This can be detrimental as they can be used inappropriately to shame another rather than support. This can also be done in subtle ways where the tonality and body language point in that direction. Let’s take a brief look at misconceptions about manifestation. These occur because of a lack of clarity in our own perception, due to unresolved emotions and muddy belief systems.
Manifesting Through The Muck
The national flower of India is the lotus. It is a beautiful reminder to have us rise from the mud into the light. This symbolism and beauty of the lotus on the spiritual path is what we need to imbibe. Not shame ourselves for the muck but gently grow into better ways of being. If we shame or self flog, we waste a lot of energy that could have been used efficiently to manifest a better reality.
Murderous Mindsets
Many times there are toxic interpretations of the manifestation theory. In these toxic interpretations, we see someone using the concept that we manifest our own reality to say that all experiences, whether negative or positive, are a result of our own doing - through our thoughts and the vibration we hold. Here are a couple of examples so that we can question this warped perception...
It's like murdering someone to get their property and then saying that the person manifested it. It is like raping a child and saying the child manifested it.
This twisted logic can be applied to anyone or any conversation. If one's emotions are not purified, there is no empathy and one is reeking of entitlement. That is what we see in so many race talks where groups of people can be shamed saying they manifested their own slavery or genocide.
Empty With No Empathy
When someone is empty they have nothing to give, not even empathy. This emotional emptiness is what is leading to all these heady misconceptions rather than heart centred truths.
I had a few students speak about manifesting our reality, when a couple of people in class were stolen from by an intruder. The question whether the two ladies manifested their reality or not is less important than whether others can feel empathy for their loss. This is what builds trust and shows maturity in human connection.
I have seen instances like this when people are insensitive and discuss manifestation principles at the most inappropriate times. Some make a life of it, hitting below the belt, using this theory to justify their actions. Or simply reasoning that others deserved it, when they are the ones who have an absolute lack of self awareness.
Uplifting Each Other
When the substratum for manifestation is uplifting each other, only then can it be seen in the right light. We, as a collective, need to manifest goodness by standing up for what is right, not by making excuses for inhumane behaviour, using manifestation theory as a scapegoat.
That is why the foundations of any spiritual science need to be imbibed before these theories are thrown around.
Foundations For Manifestation
The spiritual sciences of yoga and tantra, lay out a purification system that is needed to understand and fathom deeper principles. Else it will be seen through fogged lenses. This hampered visibility will contribute to every concept being distorted beyond its intended use.
When a person doesn't have the capacity to soften and hold space for their own sensitivity then how can they do it for another? If one is not tender and open hearted then no number of concepts will help. If emotions are not seen and healed, then manifestation will be used as a ploy to fill that gaping hole left by unresolved emotions. And, yet, that black hole cannot be filled with any amount of money and pleasures. It only breeds more narcissists who are happily manifesting their every want at the expense of others and Mother Nature.
So one needs to fill the energy leaks as a first step and then these principles will be lived, rather than intellectualised and distorted. One needs to set aside the time and space for contemplation and healing and prioritise it. Only then can one even remotely touch upon these principles of manifestation or any other spiritual principles.